Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

Cable Data - Cable Types

Displays when you select the Cable Data option from the Options dialog. Three tabs are displayed allowing you to define settings for the Cable Types, Voltage Levels and 3D Cable Levels. The Cable Types tab initially displays the cable types available in the current project. These types can be edited or new types added using the fields in the tab. The option to import predefined Cable Types from an existing XLS file is also available.

Cable type XLS file Click the Browse icon next to the field and use the file dialog to select the XLS file to import.
Cable type XML file When you import an XLS file with predefined cable types, you will need to specify a XML file which will define how Bentley Raceway and Cable Management reads and implements the settings in the XLS file. Click the Browse icon next to the field to specify the XML file to use. Click the icon to create a new XML file. This will display the Configuration dialog allowing you to define a template XML file to use.
Start/End Row These fields define the starting and ending rows of the XLS file which contain the property values to be imported into the project. They must be defined for the Load function to execute.
Load Loads the selected XLS file.
Cable Properties Grid The grid list all of the cable types available in the project along with the properties shown. By default, the following property fields require values while the remaining properties are optional:
  • Name
  • Units
  • Diameter
  • Weight

If this parameter is used and the minimum bend radius for a cable is larger than the bend radius for the raceway a message will display the reason the auto routing process failed. More details about this are available in the Cable Manager help topic.

The cable Name typically includes the cable type and size. The property values can be defined using the following methods depending on what type of value is required:
  • Type a value directly into the field
  • Click in a field (such as Unit) and select a value from a drop down list.
  • Click in a field and use the arrow buttons in the Value field to adjust the value in increments.

Minimum Radius - This value lets you define a minimum bend radius for a cable type which will be considered during the cable routing process. If the defined bend radius for the cable is larger than the raceway the cable is being routed through the routing process for that cable will fail. A message in the Cable Manager will reflect the reason why the cable could not be routed.

If no value is defined then the Auto Router will not consider this parameter when a routing cables.

Add Adds a new Cable Type entry to the grid. You can then Rename and define property values for the cable type. Cable name is basically the cable type and size.
Delete Deletes the selected cable type.
OK Saves the changes and closes the Options dialog.
Cancel Closes the Options dialog without saving any changes.
Apply Applies any changes while keeping the Options dialog open.